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pick one’s teeth
剔牙  detail>>
to pick your teeth
剔牙  detail>>
clench one’s teeth
咬紧牙齿  detail>>
show one’s teeth
极端愤怒  detail>>
skin of one’s teeth
侥幸,差一点儿  detail>>
the one with ross’s teeth
罗斯洗牙  detail>>
one-hand pick up
单手拣球  detail>>
one-point pick-up
单点电视摄像管 单点拾音器 单点抬音器  detail>>
pick ua leaflet about care of the teeth
拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单  detail>>
one of her teeth dropped out
她掉了一颗牙  detail>>
to cut one’s teeth; cut a tooth
长牙  detail>>
one、two,pick up the stool
一、二,搬起小凳子  detail>>
pick a red one sir devil
拿一个红色的恶魔先生(有点别扭但确实这样)  detail>>
pick sth out of one’s hat
编造,臆想  detail>>
one of his front teeth has dropped out
他的一颗门牙掉了  detail>>
one-leg pick-up and inside trip
抱异名腿后绊  detail>>
in the teeth
直接反对, 当面, 公然  detail>>
in the teeth of
对抗, 不顾  detail>>